Indonesian Scientists on Social Media – #WomenTweetScienceToo


“Kadarshian Index or K-Index is a comparison of a scientist’s number of Twitter followers with their citations. … Although the index is named for a woman, Science’s survey highlights the poor representation of female scientists on Twitter …                 Of the 50 most followed scientists, only four are women.”  – (Science Magazine on Kadarshian Index).

I had my morning/evening tweet conversation today with my mate Susan Tsang, PhD candidate of City College of New York and the American Museum of Natural History. Previously she mentioned me on #WomenTweetScienceToo hash tag as respond for K-Index, which named after Kim Kadarshian. Interestingly only four women in Science Magazine Top 50 scientists on Twitter. But we know the truth there is more women tweet science on the twitterland (one of the twitter public list can be seen here and  a blog respond here). Not sure if Indonesian know about this hash tag since it becomes a huge talk in social media and science world.

This conversation surely reminds me back upon my search on science blogging in Bahasa Indonesia once, which almost none [it does exist but only a few] and if yes it would be text book oriented. Based on our conversation, I am curious how about in Indonesia. I know it would be poorly documented but I just give it a try.

As I am not sure with Indonesian scientist on Twitter instead Blogs, I determined what is an Indonesian science blog. It could be personal webpage like mine ( FYI this is not a self promotion since I blog things not only [popular] science!). I did random search on Indonesian science blogs including conservation and ecology, make sure it is not including from journalist or text book. However, the more I checked, the more likely I found about green lifestyle blogs/article. For example Kompasiana, the largest writing community/citizen journalism platform in Indonesia, has Green section to cover all environmental topics although limited to these following tags: climate – iklim , polution – polusi, planting – penghijauan.

I decided to curate Indonesian blogs, twitter or facebook post that I find sciency enough. Further, I curated blogs in Bahasa Indonesia or English, active in at least one social media in 2014 and not only retweeting news article.

  • Ismail Agung – The Journal of primate chaser where sometimes you will find the playful and artsy part of Agung
    Twitter: @apeolution Apeolution: (in Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Nurul Winarni – A PhD/Mom/Researcher at RCCI, passionated in PES (Payment on Ecosystem Services)
  • “Project Biodiversity Ecosystem Services” Research Center for Climate Change (RCCI) – Universitas Indonesia. A project that led by Nurul Winarni  focused in Ecosystem Services |   Hey! They make my durians fruiting: (in English and Bahasa Indonesia).
  • Andina Septiarani – Chemistry of a mother to the environment. Mom with one daughter who has Chemistry and Environmental Sciences degree. Twitter: @bubuAndin (in Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Arifin Surya Dwipa Irsyam – Botanist, MSc student who loves Indonesian culture and history                   Facebook: antares.altair and Twitter: @poisonipin 
  • T Geo Bachtiar – Lecturer in Geography and Book Writer Facebook: tbachtiar.geo234
  • Ady Kristanto – Birdwatcher, Wildlife Photographer, and Book Writer | Tentang Aku dan Lingkungan Sekitarku: (in Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Asman Adi Purwanto – Photoblogger, Birdwatcher and Raptor Enthusiast | Twitter: @asmanraptor | Blog-E ASMAN : (in Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Sheherazade – BSc in Biology working on fruit bats in Sulawesi Facebook: sheherazade.jayadi and Twitter: @sherzade_o
  • Marsya Christyanti – Future wildlife ecologist. Now working as Sumatra Program Support at Wildlife Conservation Society Twitter: @marsyachr and Instagram: marsyachr

I know this seems subjective since I know almost all people in the list. It would be great to know there is someone out there doing sciency stuff. Do you know anyone/group, Indonesian, who’s been actively doing science outreach or promoting their research/work through social media? You also can suggest some names through comments below. Social media I meant here are facebook, twitter, youtube, pinterest, tumblr, blog (including photoblog) etc.

Related to K-Index article above, I am looking forward too see more female Indonesian scientist who promote their research/work in any social media (as I cannot summarise now). I know it still long way for Indonesian scientist (but check this interesting stuff) or even Indonesian women in the communication science. But I think this only starting point and I am truly supporting the idea for social media as part of communication and promoting science in developing country.

Terima kasih!

Update 9/25/14: You may find the newest list on RE: INDONESIAN SCIENTIST IN SOCIAL MEDIA [IN BAHASA INDONESIA]

Photo is Inggar Ul-Hasanah and myself. She is a herpethofauna scientist based in IPB and I am bat scientist during Operation Wallacea Season 2012. 

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  1. Ma kasih udah sharing listnya yah. Aku jadi follow orang2 keren ini. Aku seneng banget nih bisa ikut orang2 pinter soal alam Indonesia. Sebelum list ini aku cuman follow Felicia dan mba Nimas.


    1. Felly says:

      Wkwkkw no problemo. Ini kebetulan lagi kesambet ide makanya kenapa ga dieksekusi aja. Eh mba nimas ini alamat blognya apeu? Minta dunk! Thanks!


  2. noonathome says:

    Aw…this is interesting. Makes me embarassed actually that I don’t post regularly….


    1. Felly says:

      One or two is much better then none. Special praise for you since you are the first person who asked me to blog long time ago. I think so or joining Goodreads? Can’t remember but it is no big deal haha. Despite of I blogged pretty regularly since last year (Boo!)


  3. Ismail Agung says:

    Yang dari dulu hits soal flora dan fauna sih

    Gitu deh.


    1. Felly says:

      Setau gue itu kan jadi acuan temen2 untuk tugas kuliah krn kek teks book. Peraturan pemerintah ama UU juga ada disana.


      1. Ismail Agung says:

        Makanya kata terakhir dari aku, gitu deh. Hehehe
        Ups, kami berteman di fb.
        *note: Jika om membaca komen ini, maaf ya. Bukan maksud hati. Keep the good work om.


      2. Felly says:


        *sungkem ama om alamendah


  4. halo, salam kenal, aku dyna, online science journalist di Sumatra. Aku bukan saintis, tapi aku di mention juga di #WomenTweetScienceToo..karena aku dulu jadi kurator di @realscientists..terima kasih udah bikin list blog sains komunikator Indonesia..akan sangat berguna bagi saya..saya punya beberapa blog namun terbengkalai…tulisan saya lebih banyak saya posting di facebook atau terkadang di twitter @dynablossoms


    1. Felly says:

      Waaaaaa keren, Mba. Salam kenal juga :)


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