Buku Pertamaku: “Catatan Tersembunyi Pejuang Konservasi”

Tulisan ini sudah lama tertunda lama. Hitung-hitung sebagai hadiah peringatan blog di wordpress. Ternyata sudah 17 tahun sejak saya punya blog yang satu ini. Jadi saya ingin (kembali) memperkenalkan buku pertamaku karena ada beberapa teman yang bertanya dimanakah mereka dapat membeli bukunya karena sebenarnya buku ini sudah launching di Februari 2023.

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More time for personal development, a win-win solution in pandemic time

Felicia Lasmana (Bearhs ELP 2021), Senior Quality Officer and Project Manager at HCV Network. Currently based in Indonesia.

In March 2021, I am currently back in my hometown so I can take care of my mother in pandemic time. While I have been working remotely for more than three years, there is no big difference in my working habit. But I truly miss is the fact that no more travelling time both work and pleasure. Especially when there was no window opportunity to get a vaccine for people less than 60 years old. Back then and until these days, partial lockdown is applied everywhere within and outside the country.

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The New Corner Office Book Review

Working from home is a skill!

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Menilik polemik proyek “Jurassic Park” di TN Komodo

Berdasarkan data terbaru dari Organisasi Pariwisata Dunia (World Tourism Organization – UNWTO), pada periode Januari hingga Agustus 2020 tercatat kedatangan wisatawan internasional di Asia Pasifik menunjukkan penurunan hampir 80% karena pembatasan perjalanan di seluruh dunia. Pandemi yang diikuti oleh krisis pariwisata global tentunya berdampak sangat besar pada Indonesia seperti di Taman Nasional Komodo (TNK). Di waktu bersamaan pemerintah memutuskan untuk menutup kawasan TNK sejak 26 Oktober hingga 30 Juni 2021.

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On Blogging

Lately, I tried to reorganise my blogpost which I left quite a while. In the process, I found how many blog posts that I have made following these years. Blogging becomes my hobby when compiling thoughts. I never realise until it built up although some are still unfinished after years.

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Why I’m back to Bandung (my hometown)

After staying in Bogor for years and lots of travels finally I’m back for good to Bandung – my hometown – due to COVID 19. Yes, the reason is quite common as other people nowadays. Although I’m not sure whether it’s similar for other grown adults Indonesian nowadays as some of us most likely staying with our parents. Anyway, last time I posted something similar to this is about living in Indonesia after a year studying in the UK.

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How to use drones for conservation in your own research?

Studying the most cryptic and nocturnal species such as bat fauna probably can be done by launching un-manned aerial vehicles in the dark sky of the night. The technology has been known applied already in the survey project on mining and oil palm company usually provided by an expensive private company. In conservation related issue, drones have been used in monitoring orangutans and elephants in Sumatra and Nepal.

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My Best Book I Read in 2018

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

These are the best book that I recommend to read to everyone. I read less book in 2018 due to my work and traveling time. Most books are non fiction and more of my interest for self improvement and productivity.

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My Self Review 2018

I would say that 2018 is a year for personal growth and taking risk. I travelled quite a lot as well due to work and here are some highlights. Anyway I should make this post earlier but I only have time just recently.

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Passion dan Sains

Saya percaya bahwa harus ada keseimbangan antara dunia kerja dan kehidupan di sekeliling kita. Fokus pada passion dan karier yang sedang kita jalani itu yang terpenting. Berkaca pada pengalaman seorang teman agar kita harus selalu mempergunakan keahlian yang kita miliki dan memanfaatkan waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya.

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Peran Peneliti dan Sains Komunikasi

Blogger konservasionis berperan sangat penting dalam mengutarakan fakta berbasis sains dan menginterpretasikan riset yang telah ada sebelumnya. Saat ini menulis di lini sosial media bertema sains seperti facebook atau twitter pun dianggap cukup populer. Ada begitu banyak alasan mengapa mengutarakan pemikiran dalam blog atau media sosial itu penting untuk mengasah kemampuan menulis terutama bagi para peneliti muda.Continue reading “Peran Peneliti dan Sains Komunikasi”

Conservation Job Vs Traveling


Working in a consulting company focused on conservation and sustainability issues, I spent half of my time traveling to one to another city or country. Throughout these years, for me traveling alone (work or pleasure) is somewhat practical and sometimes even cheaper by taking flight compare taking other transportation mode.

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